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Welcome to the Guelph Automotive Detailing Blog

Diamond Detailing is high in demand! With people coming to Guelph from all over Ontario for our detailing services and those coming up from the United States to experience the VIP Emerald Elite Diamond Detailing Package - North America's most expensive and finest auto detailing for luxury and exotic cars our time has become precious. The phones are ringing off the hook, the website is flooded and customers have made repeated requests for a journal of daily experiences I encounter. In effort to meet our customer's demands for more insight we added this Guelph automotive detailing blog. We hope you will find the latest news on the projects and experiences that we encounter to be informative, humorous and addictive.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Canadian consumers buying state-side veicles

Being in the automotive detailing industry we can see a swing in the car buying market. For months, the Canada dollar has been strengthening against the American dollar tempting Canadians to head south to purchase a new vehicle. This new trend in automobile buying is cause for concern to the Canadian economy. Both the slumping exports combined with declined consumer spending in Canada has made a serious impact on the economy forcing Canadian automotive dealerships to put special Canadian pricing discounts and rebates into effect. But,something more noteworthy and something everyone should consider before buying a car in the United States are the new changes taking place at Canadian dealerships.

If you plan on buying a car in the USA be aware that Canadian dealerships have imposed a new rule in their service departments that states that no cars purchased from the US can be serviced for warranty work or fixed at Canadian automotive dealerships.

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